
Proper Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy will help stroke recovery


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The Healing role of oxygen

In either early or chronic stages following stroke, impaired cognitive and motor function can quickly improve with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.


Neuro-rehabilitation with consistent Oxygenation Therapy, even years after stroke, can awaken “dormant neurons” and

significantly improve traumatized brain tissue.

Intellectual, cognitive and motor function improvements are all quickly possible. Oxygenation Therapy not only reduces brain swelling and inflammation but also rebuilds new capillaries thereby enabling “best-possible” brain function.


In addition, chances of future blood clots reduce due to Oxygen’s natural blood thinning properties.

Testimonial: Stroke

“Just a few months ago I had a stroke and was in a hospital. I couldn’t talk and use my right arm and was in a wheelchair, not improving much.  My nature-pathic doctor suggested oxygen therapy. After 35 sessions I am back to work now playing my instrument professionally.

Could not be more grateful!
And I am telling everyone.
I got my life back!”

 Doug.S., Coquitlam


Stroke may occur due to reduction in the blood flow and oxygen transport to the brain after arterial occlusion (thrombus or embolus), arterial spasm, vessels rupture (aneurysm, hypertension), changes in blood viscosity, consequence of diabetes, or result of smoking, alcohol or obesity.

Manifestations of stroke depending on the location of the neural damage could be: paralysis (hemiplegia or paraplegia), paresis, spasticity, flaccidity or muscle weakness, walking and balance impairment, intellectual and cognitive impairment (thinking understanding), speech impairment, memory disturbance (“vascular dementia”), sensitivity impairment, bladder and bowel dysfunction, sexual deficit.

Clinical application of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy in stroke has been widely used on experimental basis in acute stage as well as in the chronic stage – post stroke rehabilitation.

Balance and Walking 

Are muscle weaknesses, numbness, paralysis, loss of bladder control or sexual drive continuing effects of a recent or years-ago stroke?

Within the first few weeks of daily Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, significant improvement is highly probable

Oxygenation restores nerve function, which is the root cause of most physical degradation.

Once nerve tissue is re-established, muscle control and strength return, thereby alleviating many undesirable stroke consequences.

When muscles display excess weakening, staff may also utilize Electro-Muscle-Stimulation (EMS) in conjunction with Oxygenation.

Speech and memory

Oxygenation improves brain function

Brain cells thrive on Oxygen. The slightest decrease in available oxygen can cause reduced mental function affecting speech and memory.

Remarkably, increased oxygen
immediately improves neuron performance,
 even in an undamaged brain.

TIA or “mini-stroke”

Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) or so-called mini-stroke is a serious medical condition usually warning the onset of a full stroke. Oxygenation not only keeps blood from clotting and preserves brain tissue but also protects and strengthens the heart. Oxygen also plays a significant role as a preventive natural measure against stroke re-occurrences.

Headaches, Sleep and Mood

Oxygenation of the brain yields better cognitive function: such as, decision making and understanding. Vision, speech, memory, sleep, mood, higher energy and reduced headaches are additional Oxygenation benefits.

Stem cell increase?

Q:  I know increased numbers of stem cells enhance tissue repair. Is it possible to increase stem cell production?


Current research confirms a single Hyperbaric session can double stem cell count whereas 20 sessions can increase count by up to eight times.

Resultantly, that places Hyperbaric Therapy as the most natural, safe and economic stem cell therapy.


Relieve pain with oxygenation    ….    naturally!

How is oxygenation delivered?

For your treatment session, you comfortably lay inside a see-through chamber while either napping for about 1 ½ hours or being entertained by chosen music or movie.

Chamber air is gradually replaced with 100% Oxygen and pressurized to about 3 atmospheres: (bolded text is the definition of hyperbaric oxygenation). As pressure increases, most report a slight and temporary “fullness” in their ears.

After ten to twenty sessions, within a two or four-week period (respectively), capillary and nerve regeneration as well as organ repair will be substantial.


Is it safe?

YES! Both the chamber and session environments are absolutely safe.

The chamber is Health CANADA certified as a Medical Device: the highest standards.

Also, before and during your session medically trained and certified staff ensure your safety and comfort.

Call to book appoinment 604.777.7055

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