
Can Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy help me recover from concussion?


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Diabetes - Glucose in bloodPreventive oxygen therapy

Besides controlling blood glucose levels, the most important preventive therapy in diabetic management is preserving healthy microcirculation to oxyginate all organs of the body.

The role of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in diabetes preventive care is in re-oxygenating hypoxic tissue, regulating blood sugar level and promoting growth of blood vessels and nerve endings.  It acts as a blood thinner and improves red blood cell compliance,  enabling the blood to enter finer capillaries where the most effective transfer of oxygen takes place.  This therapy can both reduce the risk of blood clotting and thrombosis associated with diabetes and stroke as well as heighten metabolism and tissue perfusion to meet an increased demand for oxygen during activity or injury/illness.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has also been shown to improve lung function for better oxygen extraction and delivery.  Other benefits include improved heart pumping function, bone density, and immune system response.

A breakthrough study by Dr. Stephen Thom (2005) showed that hyperbaric oxygen facilitates the release of stem cells from bone marrow.  These cells are very important in the repair and rejuvenation of our body. (read more: ref )

With hyperbaric oxygen therapy, 70 to 90 percent of primary amputations associated with diabetes can be prevented.   In addition, it can speed up recovery following a heart attack or stroke, and reduce recurrences.

Leg pains and cramps

Q:Is OLD AGE the cause of my leg pains and cramps?


Muscle pain is the symptom of poor circulation resulting in low oxygen levels causing tissue death.

Great News: Tissue can be regenerated in as few as 15 Health-Up sessions


Q:My infected wound is becoming resistant to antibiotics: What can I do?

A:Oxygen Therapy absolutely!

Oxygen is the only known, 100% effective, natural antibiotic. Oxygen not only kills bacteria but also quickly regenerates healthy tissue thereby repairing the wound.

Stem cells

Q:  I know increased numbers of stem cells enhance tissue repair. Is it possible to increase stem cell production?


Current research confirms a single Hyperbaric session can double stem cell count whereas 20 sessions can increase count by up to eight times.

Resultantly, that places Hyperbaric Therapy as the most natural, safe and economic stem cell therapy.

Numb feet - Neuropathy

Q:Is it true there is no cure for numbness in my feet and legs?

A: No!

Numbness is also a symptom of poor circulation resulting in low oxygen levels causing tissue death.

GREAT NEWS: Tissues can regenerate in as few as 20 Health-Up sessions.

Chronic wounds and amputation

Q:My wound will not heal and amputation was presented as a solution:
                                           What can I do?

A:  Oxygen Therapy!

Wounds typically become chronic because natural healing has been interrupted. This is especially so when Diabetic as normal micro-circulation pathways responsible for delivering critical oxygen and removing toxins are too few. By delivering high levels of oxygen, vital capillaries quickly rebuild and the wound heals.


Poor circulation

Q:  Poor circulation is degrading my life-style and causing me pain: Is there something I can do?

A:Oxygen Therapy!

Poor circulation can be peripheral or body wide. Regardless, sufficient blood flow is mandatory to provide nutrient building blocks and oxygen. By providing large doses of oxygen, (up to 20 times more) all body tissues not only become healthier but also nutrient uptake vastly improves.


Nothing positive happens in your body without Oxygen: it is the enabler for huge improvement.

How is oxygenation delivered?

For your treatment session, you comfortably lay inside a see-through chamber while either napping for about 1 ½ hours or being entertained by chosen music or movie.

Chamber air is gradually replaced with 100% Oxygen and pressurized to about 3 atmospheres: (bolded text is the definition of hyperbaric oxygenation). As pressure increases, most report a slight and temporary “fullness” in their ears.

After ten to twenty sessions, within a two or four-week period (respectively), capillary and nerve regeneration as well as organ repair will be substantial.


Is it safe?

YES! Both the chamber and session environments are absolutely safe.

The chamber is Health CANADA certified as a Medical Device: the highest standards.

Also, before and during your session medically trained and certified staff ensure your safety and comfort.

Proper Oxygenation

Breathing 100 percent medical grade oxygen at about 3 atmospheric pressure inside a

Medical Class hyperbaric chamber


Hyperbaric Oxygenation

is natural and non-invasive

It provides optimal recovery and maintenance for a wide variety of physical issues triggered by disease and injury


Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy 

is a safe, comfortable and enjoyable

There are virtually no risks or side effects

Professional facilities provide the highest standards: Staff are medically trained and certified

Call to book appoinment 604.777.7055

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